What is Testosterone and How Does It Influence Male Health?

What is Testosterone and How Does It Influence Male Health?
Testosterone is the most representative hormone of masculinity and virility. Among the attributes of gender on which it acts are voice timbre, morphology of the sexual organs, lean mass, sexual function and reproductive function. In addition, it is well known that testosterone changes as you age. From the age of 25, testosterone levels in men begin to decrease at a rate of 1 to 1.5% per year.
The actions of the testosterone have been investigated with precision in the last years. However it has been linked more to the effects it has on muscle mass and endurance. As well as in the development of sexuality. The research that has been carried out in parallel in terms of testosterone levels and the varied symptomatology that comes with aging raises the question about what serves testosterone.
In particular, testosterone has attracted attention when it comes to male health in general. This includes cardiovascular health, erectile function and sexual activity. We must add this to the already known incidences that have on lean mass, bone density, male libido, mood and sense of well-being. That is why your level in the body is very important.

Different studies have shown a higher cardiovascular death rate in subjects with low testosterone levels. Conversely, the same has been demonstrated, so that subjects with advanced cardiovascular disease have low levels of testosterone.
The way that testosterone potentially works as a peripheral and coronary dilator vessel has been investigated with both animal experimentation and human clinical experimentation. Several procedures were emulated and all with coincident conclusions: testosterone potentiates and improves cardiovascular function. Currently, the information that has been obtained has been investigating the relationship between testosterone and lean mass, on the one hand. On the other hand we studied testosterone and sexual erectile dysfunction.

Testosterone has been used almost abusively to optimize physical performance in athletes. The result has been an improvement in muscle function given its anabolic effect. So if you have often wondered what testosterone is for your muscles, Studies shake that if you start taking it you will get positive results. In fact, today it remains one of the most common resources of those subjects who want to increase their muscle mass. These persist even when the reasons are simply cosmetic. On the other hand, testosterone deficiency causes sarcopenia. This is a very interesting phenomenon especially as the man ages. Muscle weakness begins to appear which results in fragility and this can lead to a disability. This fragility is notable for loss of lean mass and fat gain.
Androgens (testosterone) promote a differentiation in muscle cells that allow simultaneous inhibition of differentiation for the fat cell line. When taking supplements or testosterone precursors, such as Test ultra, you can reverse the process of lean mass loss and fat gain. This is typical for men in the process of aging. This effect is maintained regardless of age. The anabolic effects of testosterone are similar in groups aged between 60 and 75 years, and between 19 and 35 years.

Have you ever wondered what testosterone does for your erectile dysfunction? The interaction of testosterone with erectile dysfunction has been extensively investigated and experienced. At present the investigations try to discover in which part of the process of the erections specifically acts testosterone. The same can act directly through dihydro testosterone (DHT or), or estrogen aromatization.
Scientific observation has been able to conclude that not all low testosterone Niles act the same way about the symptoms that correspond with sexual dysfunctions. Therefore it is important to study the particular cases in order to find the right solution in time.

Testosterone plays a very important role in the life and health of men. Perhaps that role is much more relevant than had been thought so far. It simultaneously integrates risk factors for functions and organs. It influences prostate health, cardiovascular health, lean mass, sexual health, bone density and sexual dysfunctions, among others. These have traditionally been considered as independent problems.

Knowing what testosterone serves, studying it and knowing the levels of each person on time, can make the difference between a full life or not. Aging is inevitable, making it suffer from the symptoms of having low levels of testosterone, it is not mandatory. If you have any additional contributions, do not hesitate to leave a comment.


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